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The economist: smart home has a long way Technology giant active layout
Date£º2016-07-12 Author£ºadmin Source: Viewed£º16519

Tencent technology (on June 12, the latest issue of the British economist, said although the field of intelligent household in the short term development face many obstacles, but as a result of bullish on the long-term prospects for development, technology giant is still in the active layout of this technology.

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The so-called iot, refers to add sensors and Internet access to the everyday items, to form a network.Analysis from repeatedly predicted a few years ago, the Internet of things will be like mobile Internet bring great changes to our daily life.Relevant manufacturers have been looking at areas of smart home, and highly recommend all kinds of products, including can automatically start when the alarm goes off coffee pot, you can according to different times throughout the day automatically adjust the light and shade, and the milk is sent to remind the smart fridge when drink.But so far, most consumers do not want to own intelligent household products to upgrade.

This is not because the lack of investment, technology companies have invested heavily to everyday objects connected to the Internet.Google (weibo) in 2014 clearly expressed his willingness to enter the field of smart home was spending $3.2 billion for intelligent thermostat manufacturer Nest, and paid $550 million for the Dropcam home surveillance camera manufacturers.Nest later absorbed Dropcam, has now become the most famous brand of smart home.However, this technology actually needs to wait for how long will it take to enter the mainstream market, but is a concern.

Nest obviously disappointed the Google.According to market research firm Strategy Analytics estimates, the company in 2015, sales of intelligent thermostat to 2015 units, the total sales of only 2.5 million units in the past few years.In recent years, the company's focus has always been a redesign of existing products, rather than innovation.Perhaps for this reason, Nest, founder and CEO Tony he (Tony Fadell) just left office on June 3, and an adviser to Google parent Alphabet.He a former apple executives, or "father" of the iPod, but he failed to in the field of intelligent household work their magic.

Nest problem is very typical.Market research firm Forrester analyst Frank Gillett (Frank Gillett), said only 6% of American households have intelligent household appliance, including have Internet access function of home appliances, home monitoring system, sound and lighting equipment.Rapid growth of this field may difficult to achieve: by 2021 the penetration rate is expected to also can exceed 15%.Few consumers believe that the Internet will play an important role in the daily equipment.PWC, according to a survey conducted in Britain, found that 72% of the respondents are not ready to use in the next two to five years intelligent household technology, they don't want to pay for it.Last year's global consumer spending in the field of intelligent household hardware and services about $60 billion, with the total cost of the single machine equipment.

This grim from several important reasons.Companies have an incentive to embrace the Internet: installed in the equipment and factory sensors can save money, they can analyze the data, so as to promote efficiency.And household intelligent camera developers Canary Adam sag (Adam Sagar) said that, by contrast, a lot of people buy household intelligent device just for fun, not necessities.

A lot of intelligent hardware prices are still too high.Samsung's a smart fridge with built-in camera, can see if there are any more food rotting inside, and help consumers in the shopping process through smartphone applications know which food to buy.But the product price is $5000, people can afford this kind of refrigerator will not shopping.Not only that, refrigerators and other appliances update frequency is low, dragged down by the popularity of new equipment.

In addition, the technique is still imperfect.Remote answering the doorbell Ring entrepreneurial company CEO Jamie sago grove (Jamie Siminoff) said that as a smart home devices and a bridge between consumers, smartphones increased consumers' expectations.After long-term use of smartphones, consumers have grown accustomed to high quality seamless experience, but the current smart home equipment is difficult to achieve this level.Not only that, because of the lack of uniform standards, the manufacturer's device can exchange data with each other.

But there are some exceptions, a lot of equipment is easy to install and can provide significant benefits have been popular, including the ability to send an alert when the door opened the motion sensor, and the camera monitoring household activities.Smoke detectors and other equipment has been used in family life, because the insurance company has enough power to use this product.Smart home area is very active, because all that consumers hesitate to start-up companies and large enterprises is only temporary.But consumer apathy has forced the companies began to rethink the developing mode of smart home.

The biggest surprise may come from the amazon, although the company in the smartphone market is frustrated, but opens a new area in the field of smart home.Amazon Echo intelligent speakers can identify and respond to voice commands.It can also provide the information such as weather forecast and sports scores, but also can play music and switch the lights.The device's cost about $180, but has not yet become a best-selling products.Amazon does not release sales data, but the market research firm Strategy Analytics estimates that since November 2014, the Echo of the total sales of less than 1 million units.But the Echo today has become a hot topic in silicon valley.

And home appliances

Voice interface can overcome fragmentation problem facing smart home field, become the standard of all kinds of intelligent household hardware integrator.Echo has been open to outside developers, make its integration with Echo all sorts of equipment and services.Echo's success may be surprising, but competitors found that intelligent speakers may become an extremely important equipment.Google announced that it would develop independent intelligent hub equipment similar to that of the Echo, called Google Home products will also rely on voice commands.

Apple is expected to release a new function of smart home.There are rumors that the company will be held in June 13th annual developers conference, release is similar to the Echo hub of independent intelligent household.The company's smart home platform HomeKit unsuccessful so far.Although apple has a huge and rich user base, but still not smart home field.Mobile industry information company CCS Insights analyst Geoff Mr. Bo (Geoff Blaber) believes that it is enough to illustrate the difficulty of the business.

For different purposes, each a tech giants want to reassure consumers, its technical depth into the user's home life.Echo can help to better understand the amazon user time distribution pattern, simplify their shopping process by means of recommended products.In the Google ads also hope to get new data, as far as possible to deepen understanding of the user, so that the launch of more accurate advertising.Have always is famous for its simplicity and ecosystem of the apple, also hope that the user can organize their equipment as the entrance of the daily life.

If tech giants still adhere to the development of smart home, then profits will also be a significant uncertainty."It's not clear what kind of smart home economic model can work."The Internet of things platform Evrythng Andy hobsbawm (Andy Hobsbaum) said.Some companies hope that through hardware get enough profit, and the enterprise is trying to sell equipment, by charging fees to generate revenues.Smart home devices is varied, not only highly personal attributes, and very durable.This has prompted many companies layout in this area - but only when consumers really with open arms, the technique to usher in the spring.

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