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The future of the smart home picture: your house and your dialogue
发布时间:2016-07-12 发布者:admin 来源: 浏览次数:13674

Tencent technology on June 26, the Atlantic monthly (Theatlantic) recently published an article titled "your coffee machine looking you" commentary, the author is the Atlantic themes of science and technology staff writer Adrienne Lafrance.This article is about the future of the smart home landscape is discussed.

The following is the main content of the article.

Disneyland in 1957, Denmark on the housing model of a $1 million - "the home of the Future (the House of the Future)".In the eyes of my people, that's just a made up of plastic and glass fiber wonders: four capsule shape room built around a pillar hung up, far look like a floating in the air.The furniture in the room in need not when can close into the mesa.The room has a video phone, sending out the scent of the heating/cooling system.Best of all, no fridge in the room, but there are three "cold storage (cold zones)", just press the button, they will fall down from the ceiling.

As the decades passed, the design of the refrigerator did not become so advanced.However, people often mentioned when talking about the Internet of things intelligent refrigerator.Future intelligent refrigerator can not only keep food cool, can also according to your food to adjust temperature of storage, remind you drink plenty of water, before the milk drink milk automatically from store for your orders.

Of course, smart fridge is a miniature of the smart home.Smart home era is speeding up, the following is about the future outlook of smart home.

1. The ubiquitous sensors

In the future, our room will be equipped with a lot of sensors, to accept their activity information.The house of the intelligent system will use this information to analyze your needs.

At present, the market has been some smart washing machine can be through your clothes weight, degree of clothes dirty water and washing agent.A company called June developed a smart oven, the oven can through sensors and cameras, what users put in food, and then adjust the temperature and cooking methods were determined.As long as you put in the cookie dough or chicken, the oven will be to take over the following things.In the future, everywhere in the room of the intelligent interface will be able to react to put items on it.The mesa in the kitchen, for example, will be able to you in the coffee warm.

In the future, your home intelligent system can not only know anyone in your family, you can know who is at home.Intelligent household manufacturers Netatmo France recently launched Netatmo Welcome intelligent surveillance cameras, it is able to recognize they in your family got home, and notify you via smartphones.Future intelligent monitoring system can not only through the facial recognition software to recognize people, also will use the biometric sensor by characteristics such as fingerprints and heartbeat to recognize people.After recognize characters of intelligent system, and can automatically adjust the be fond of according to their lights, indoor temperature and play music, etc.In the future, the front door of your home can recognize who you are, then automatically open the door for you, you don't have to bring my keys.

In the future, your smart home system will also be able to monitor your daily life, including your sleep time, exercise, eating habits, and signs of change, etc.If you think that these are no surprise, perhaps in the future your toilet can pass your feces to determine whether your body health, and provide the related information to your doctor and insurance companies.

Of course, the ever-present monitor your smart home can make you feel a little terror.All kinds of information about you and your family will be in the cloud save for years or even decades.These data if used properly, will make your family life for the better.But, what is used properly, define the rights in technology companies.This means that some of your private information could be technologies used for commercial purposes.A more serious problem is unable to avoid security vulnerabilities, once received your personal information, the thief or bad are can confirm what time will you be at home.

2. Your house can talk to you

Alphabet developed intelligent thermostat Nest can automatically adjust the indoor temperature according to the outdoor temperature, no matter whether the master at home.In the future there will be more intelligent furniture can anticipate your needs: the coffee machine in monitoring to you wake up will automatically start the coffee, you in and out of the room lights and ceiling fans will automatically open or closed.Maybe your refrigerator and kitchen according to the existing ingredients you recommend your menu.

Although most of the intelligent home appliances have to rely on WiFi and acoustic control, but you don't have to worry about they will interfere with each other.The smart home system as you are an intelligent assistant, an invisible and ubiquitous assistant, it controls all of the equipment, it can even help you manage your life.

Amazon has launched the intelligent voice assistant Echo, Google (weibo) also will launch Google Home, both products can voice control, they can do including play music, remind the user to go to the appointment of a dentist and so on.IBM's inventor James Kozloski claims that over the next decade, artificial intelligence assistant must be able to do more.Kozloski and his team have successfully developed an intelligent system, can be estimated through the sensor and machine learning system.The intelligent system has already obtained the patent.When you are through with my friendsappleThe Facetime video chat, Kozloski develop the intelligent assistant can remind you the friend's birthday is coming soon.Who may you and your family to do chores such as washing the dishes garbage and quarrel, this kind of intelligent assistant will be the best time to predict his chores, and urge you to complete.Even, it also can recommend for you to do the chores instead of you machine.

3. You will no longer lonely

In the next few decades, a lot of family robot will enter homes.According to Business Insider Intelligence in 2015, a report from the office of robot and family robot market will be rapid growth over the next three years, the market will be more than $1.5 billion in total, its growth will exceed the factory robots.

Now, the market there has been a Roomba robot such sweeping the floor.Of Carnegie Mellon university robotics scientist Christopher Atkeson says, in the future there will be help us to wipe the table and take a shower of the robot.One day, robots will be for our folding laundry, cooking and cleaning up sundry, without people's instructions, because they can predict people's needs.

Maybe we will also need the robot's friend.Japanese technology companies have developed a robot called Pepper, can predict the person's mood and react.Pepper since it was introduced two years ago in the market are very popular.Pepper may become the most ideal roommate: human helpful and enthusiastic, always accompany you, never interfere with you.

The Internet has spread, the concept of online and offline life is fuzzy, the line may eventually disappear.The relationship between human beings and intelligent machines will bring new prospect and problems of our social life.


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